Kindle edition of The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness: Free until this Friday

In hon­or of every­one with a brain and an ebook read­er, we are mak­ing the Kin­dle edi­tion of The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness free to down­load until this Fri­day. You will notice that a few sec­tions require updat­ing (we’re work­ing on a sec­ond edi­tion) but the book has aged pret­ty well since 2009. Descrip­tion: Named a Best Book by AARP, The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness is an invalu­able guide that helps read­ers nav­i­gate grow­ing brain research and iden­ti­fy the lifestyle fac­tors and prod­ucts that con­tribute to brain fit­ness. By gath­er­ing eigh­teen of the top sci­en­tists and offer­ing insight, tools, and analy­sis of over twen­ty prod­ucts, this text is an essen­tial guide to the field of neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty and cog­ni­tive health. An acces­si­ble and thought-pro­vok­ing read, this book also engages read­ers on emerg­ing trends and fore­casts of what the future will hold. While most of us have heard the phrase “use it or lose it,” very few under­stand what “it” means, or how to prop­er­ly “use it” in order to main­tain brain func­tion and fit­ness. The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness is designed to fill this gap.

--> To Learn More and to Down­load, click HERE

If ebooks are not your thing, the book is also avail­able as a $14.95 paper­back here.