Each Applicant of the DeKalb County Local Small Business Enterprise (LSBE) program should follow the process below:
We encourage all applicants to complete the LSBE certification online. Paper applications only delay the processing time. An online application submittal is the only way to ensure your company is added to the Certified Vendors list immediately following your certification application approval.
The Application Checklist is the same for New LSBE application and Re-certification application. A copy of the Checklist is available below. The Checklist will be a valuable tool as you gather documents in preparation for submitting the online application. The Checklist is also available as part of the online application process. The required documents will be uploaded in the online system.
For questions email: applications@dekalblsbe.infoThe LSBE application process is a 30-45-business day process (60 -90 Calendar days). All completed applications with all required documents received by the 15th of each month will be scheduled for a site visit in that application cycle. The application processing timeline does not begin until all required documentation is submitted with application.
An applicant business that has been denied certification or re-certification or been de-certified may protest the denial or de-certification as follows: (1) Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of denial of certification or re-certification, or notice of intent to decertify, the firm may protest such action in writing to the deputy director, contract compliance, or designee. Click link to review the process as defined by the County ordinance LSBE Denial Appeal Procedure