A business license is required for any person, firm or entity conducting business from, into or within the City of Mobile and the Police Jurisdiction.
Start here to apply for a new business license in the City of Mobile.
All business licenses expire on December 31, regardless of when in the year you received it. Business Licenses are due by January 1st and are delinquent after January 31st.
Is your business within the City of Mobile? Click here to confirm.
Look under the Jurisdiction to see if your business is located in the City of Mobile or City of Mobile Police Jurisdiction. If you receive no results, please contact the Revenue Department at 251-208-7462. If results are provided, please proceed to Step 2.
Check for zoning clearance. Please click here to see where your business is allowed. Please note that your zoning clearance must be attached to your application before your application can be processed. Once you have received your zoning clearance, you may proceed to Step 3.
As a Sole Proprietor the following documents are required. You will be required to upload these documents as part of the online application process. Please note that the documents below must be attached to your application before it can be processed. If you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 4.
As an LLC, corporation or non-profit the following documents are required. You will be required to upload these documents as part of the online application process. Please note that the documents below must be attached to your application before it can be processed. If you have the required documents, please proceed to step 4.
You must apply to the Alcohol Beverage Control Board before applying to the City for an alcohol license. Please contact the ABC Board at (251) 653-0015.
Once you receive your ABC license, please click here to download the required application. Once completed, please email the city alcohol application along with a copy of your State ABC application to revenue@cityofmobile.org. Additional licensing may be required. Please select the appropriate business type is other services are being provided. If not, you have completed the application process. Payment Instructions will be emailed to you in about 2-3 business days.
You must have a Fire Inspection Report. Please contact Community Risk Reduction Division- Mobile Fire & Rescue (251) 208-7484. Once you have the required document, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have an Alabama Home Builders License and a Surety Bond. For examples and additional details, please click here. Please contact Build Mobile at (251) 208-5894 for additional questions. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have a Mobile County Health Department Inspection Report and Fire Inspection Report – Bureau of Fire Prevention. Please contact Mobile County Health Department at (251) 690-8158 and Community Risk Reduction Division- Mobile Fire & Rescue at (251) 208-7484. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have an Alabama Electrical Board Certification, City of Mobile Electrical Card and Surety Bond. Please click here for an example. Please contact Build Mobile at (251) 208-5894. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have a Mobile County Health Department Inspection Report and Fire Inspection Report – Bureau of Fire Prevention. Please contact Mobile County Health Department at (251) 690-8158 and Community Risk Reduction Division- Mobile Fire & Rescue at (251) 208-7484. If operating at a city park, you must have a Mobile Parks and Recreation Department Permit. Please contact Mobile Parks and Recreation Department at (251) 208-1620. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
A Revenue Department staff member will contact you if any other documentation is required. Please proceed to Step 5.
You must have a Mobile County Health Department Inspection Report and Fire Inspection Report – Bureau of Fire Prevention. Please contact Mobile County Health Department at (251) 690-8158 and Community Risk Reduction Division- Mobile Fire & Rescue at (251) 208-7484. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have an Alabama Mechanical Board Certification (or Alabama Refrigeration Board Certification), and Surety Bond. Please click here for an example. Please contact Build Mobile at (251) 208-5894. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have an Alabama Plumbers & Gas Fitters Board Certification and Surety Bond. Please click here for an example. Please contact Build Mobile at (251) 208-5894. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have a Mobile County Health Department Inspection Report and Fire Inspection Report – Bureau of Fire Prevention. Please contact Mobile County Health Department at (251) 690-8158 and Community Risk Reduction Division- Mobile Fire & Rescue at (251) 208-7484. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
You must have an Alabama Home Builder Roofers License along with a Surety Bond of $10,000. Please click here for an example. Please contact Build Mobile at (251) 208-5894. Once you have the required documents, please proceed to Step 5.
No other documentation required. Please proceed to Step 5.
Please click here to download the business license application for the Apartment Complex License Application.
Please click here to download the business license application for the Home Builders Application.
Please click here to download the business license application for the General Contractors Application.
Please click here to download the business license application for the Convenience Store Application.
Please click here to download the business license application for the Electrical Contractor Application.
Please click here to download the business license application for the Food Truck Application
Please click here to download the business license application for the General & Other Application
Please click here to download the business license application for the Hotel & Motel Application
Please click here to download the business license application for the Mechanical License Application
Please click here to download the business license application for the Peddlers License Application
Please click here to download the business license application for the Plumbing Contractor License Application
Please click here to download the business license application for the Restaurant License Application
Please click here to download the instructions for the Roofing License Application.
Once you have all the required documents, please email the completed application to revenue@cityofmobile.org. Note: Additional documents may be required.
In This Section
Revenue Department
205 Gov't St., S. Tower Rm. 243
PO Box 3065
Mobile, AL 36652-3065
Office: 251-208-7462
Fax: 251-208-7954
Revenue Office Government Plaza (2nd Floor) Window Hours:
8:00 to 3:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays and 8:00 to 1:00 Wednesdays.
**Our window hours will be extended for the Mardi Gras season
Starting 2/3 - 2/21/2023, hours will be Mon. - Fri. 8:00 to 4:30 p.m.